As a youngster, I bought twice the same soda just because I fell under the spell of its aesthetics and advertising, before realizing that I didn’t like it a bit. That made me understand how image is something really powerful.
This is where I am supposed to brag about the well known clients and brands in my portfolio (Bwin, Cardive, Cambridge University Press…) but, you know what? I’ve enjoyed the smaller ones as much, specially those that start from scratch so we can join them on their travel to growth and success. Sweet babies
Kima Collective is my agency.
We make high impact images and launch brands. We could probably make you buy two times the same soda.
As a youngster, I bought twice the same soda just because I fell under the spell of its aesthetics and advertising, before realizing that I didn’t like it a bit. That made me understand how image is something really powerful.
This is where I am supposed to brag about the well known clients and brands in my portfolio (Bwin, Cardive, Cambridge University Press…) but, you know what? I’ve enjoyed the smaller ones as much, specially those that start from scratch so we can join them on their travel to growth and success. Sweet babies
is my agency.
We make high impact images and launch brands. We could probably make you buy two times the same soda.
The key difference between my commercial work and artistic creation is the freedom that comes from being, in a way, my own client.
I have deeply rooted work processes. I consider myself more a visual artist than a photographer as there is a bigger amount of conceptualization, planning, art direction and post-production in my images.
I’ve developed my own flavour: joyful palettes, strongly conceptual images that almost every time includes artisanal, hand made elements – They are part of that constructed image idea for me, and they change from piece to piece. That way, you’ll find ad hoc wardrobe, handmade or hand painted scenery paper craft objects.